Pediculosis: Infestación siempre presente

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The pediculosis is an infestation frequent in our society, so much in countries developed as under development. It is disseminated mainly inside the schools. In Chile has been estimated that would affect to 15% of the general population. It is produced by insects bloodsuckers, being two the species that affect to man (Pedicultis humous and Pedkiilns corporis). It is characterised by prurito of the affected zone, many time intense, secondary to an allergic reaction to the bite of the insect. The diagnosis is considered certain only when is observed the louse live. The treatment should include to case index and its contacts. Permethrina is the most recommended medicine because its low toxicity and high efficacy. With the use of the lindane also good results are obtained, hut presents more adverse effects, which are associated frequently to inadequate use. The present revision analyses pediculosis emphasizing epidemiological aspects, diagnosis, therapeutic and some considerations on the emerging resistance to pediculicideas.

Detalles del artículo

Ingrid Cardoso K.
Gustavo Caro D.
Marisa Torres H.
María Luisa Perez-Cotapos S.
Cristián Vera K.
Néstor Carreño O.
Cardoso K., I., Caro D., G., Torres H., M., Perez-Cotapos S., M. L., Vera K., C., & Carreño O., N. (2017). Pediculosis: Infestación siempre presente. Revista Chilena De Medicina Familiar, 5(3), 96-102. Recuperado a partir de


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